Behavior Change

Change is hard, no two ways about it. Often, we fear change as it disrupts our view of the world and our place within it. Sometimes we have no choice but to make change due to life circumstance or a health condition. No matter what precipitates the need for change, doing so is a challenge. Here is a strategy that can help with making successful changes in one’s life.

We are going to be SMART in our approach. SMART is an acronym that stands for:

Specific – What are your health goals? For example, is it weight loss, to hike a mountain or run a 5k or ½ marathon, or to reduce your blood pressure and cholesterol? Be Specific. “I want to lose 10 lbs so that I can walk more easily on my family trip this summer.”

Measurable – It’s important to have measurable goals that you can track. By writing down how much you lifted, how far you ran, or the weight that you have lost, you can keep yourself focused and motivated.

Assignable – This is a crucial step so that your goals are truly meaningful for you. We all need help in achieving our goals, but you need to be doing this for yourself and not someone else. Therefore, the steps that you take moving forward need to be consistent with attaining your goal. You are ultimately responsible for achieving success.

Realistic – It’s important to be realistic about what you can achieve and how long it will take to get there. Your health goals need to be ones that you can reasonably attain and not necessarily ones that would apply for a professional athlete or a friend who is also trying to get in shape.

Time-based – Set a timeline for accomplishing this change. By having an end date, you know that there is a deadline for getting this done and keeping yourself on track.